People who have been an inspiration to me & why:
My grandpa Charles has always been a big inspiration to me. I took every lesson he gave me about building and tried my best to keep ahold of that. He has made me love contracting and has inspired me to become a contractor just like him. Lately, I have been reading: 1984 in English class and to be honest it isn't that bad. It's a dystopian book about this big brother government that controls everything you do. Well, the main character Winston isn't one to believe in the government that is controlling him. My advice to parents: Be stern but not a dictator. Let your kid be a kid. Always show love and try to understand where they're coming from. Being able to talk to your kids about issues freely without yelling at them makes a big difference to the life your kid will have and how they treat their children in the future. Life is too short to just yell at your kids. My biggest regret: Not giving everything I got in my sports last year. Who knew my wrestling season would get taken away by a broken leg? Next year I will be: Working out in Honda to gain money to get my contracting business started, hopefully, within the next few years. If you are interested in sponsoring a Senior of the Month, click here!
Favorite school memory:
Talking to Mrs. Swary everyday. People who have been an inspiration to me & why: My dad, for always encouraging me to try new things and working hard to give his children the best life possible. Lately, I have been reading: The Cruel Prince My advice to parents: Encourage your kids to try new things and do the things that they want. My biggest regret: Not truly enjoying and making the most of high school until my senior year. Next year I will be: Attending Ohio University and majoring in Environmental Studies. With my degree, I will get a job working for the Ohio Division of Wildlife to work on conserving and improving the wildlife and plant resources of Ohio. If you are interested in sponsoring a Senior of the Month, click here!
What has being a student-athlete taught you?
being a student-athlete has taught me to be responsible and hardworking. Favorite moment as a high school athlete? Beating Graham girl's bowling team at home. A coach/mentor that has inspired you & why? I am inspired by all of my coaches and have learned a lot from all of them. But I would like to give a shoutout to Kurt Scott teaching me new techniques to be a better bowler. If you are interested in sponsoring an Athlete of the Month, click here!
4. What has being a student-athlete taught you? Being a student-athlete has taught me to be a good team player and work well with other people.
5. Favorite moment as a high school athlete? My favorite part so far in my high school playing career is when my freshman basketball team went 5 overtimes with Shawnee in the Freshman tournament. 6. A coach/mentor that has inspired you and why? I would say my four basketball coaches because they are always pushing me to be the best player and teammate I can be. If you are interested in sponsoring an Athlete of the Month, click here!
5. Favorite moment as a high school athlete? Scoring my 1,000 point
6. A coach/mentor that has inspired you and why? My dad, who is an assistant coach. I chose him because he’s always pushing me to be the best I can be. Everything I know is from him and ever since I was little I’ve always wanted to achieve big things just like my dad. He not only supports me but pushes me in ways others can’t. He’s always been there for me and I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. If you are interested in sponsoring an Athlete of the Month, click here!
If you didn't own a restaurant what would you do?: The Food Industry runs in my blood, my parents have owned and operated grocery stores my entire life, so I grew up with food being part of our everyday conversations; it's difficult to imagine being in another field. I love being involved in the community and also enjoy live entertainment, so I'd have to say either public service or concert promotion.
Do you have a secret menu?: I wouldn't necessarily say it is a secret item (we like to share our creations with the world), but our "Pickle Juice" chicken wings started out as a staff member's creation and our regulars fell in love with it. Though the name is deceiving, there is no pickles or pickle juice used in the sauce, it was named after the staff member who created them; our buddy Dylan Booth was referred to as Mr. Pickles by the team and regularly mixed our Strawberry Jalapeno BBQ sauce with Cajun Dry Rub to create a delicious, sweet and spicy sauce that thousands of people have tried over the years. The "Pickle Juice" wings were so popular as an off-menu item that we added them to the core menu so new diners would be made aware of them. How did you decide on your menu?: Our menu is a combination of dishes that we enjoy personally and the rest is built off the input of our team and customers. Our kitchen is a collaborative environment, so our chefs have free reign to explore different dishes and flavors, most of the specials and limited time features are items that the team developed. What's your why?: I've been a foodie for a long time, when I travel I look for independently owned establishments that offer quality food and some of the best meals have come from small gastropubs, so I wanted to bring that model to our community. I also enjoy the opportunities that are presented by being in a smaller community, getting to know customers and organizations on personal level is very rewarding. Every month we partner with a different organization to help raise funds for various causes, we are proud that our "Good Eats!" program has raised roughly $40,000 since it's inception; our customers have really bought into the mission and love to see their money going to work locally for school programs, non-profit causes and other community based needs. If you are interested in sponsoring a Restaurant of the Month, click here to learn more!
Favorite moment as a high school athlete? Last year in the first round of the basketball tournament Graham beat Ponitz. One of the biggest upsets in Ohio.
A coach/mentor that has inspired you and why? Someone that has inspired me is Coach Grant Goddard. He inspired me to play and to work as hard as possible because he made me believe in myself. If you are interested in sponsoring an Athlete of the Month, click here!
The place they chose was a commercial gravel pit off Old Troy Pike. Unfortunately, this resulted in the drowning death of Gary Whetsel.[1] His death led to a community call to action. In the June 28, 1963 edition of the Urbana Daily Citizen, an opinion piece read, “We do think that a community the size of Urbana should have a public place for young fellows like Gary to swim where they can receive adequate protection and even a little swimming training. Our community needs a public pool where every citizen of the community who wishes to swim can do so for a modest fee.”[2] On Tuesday, July 2, 1963 at the regular meeting of the city council, Stokes stated, “Last week, the drowning of one of Urbana’s sons has moved all of us greatly. Had democracy been working here that precious life might not have been lost – that lad could have been swimming with a Life Guard present at a public licensed recreation site.”[3] Even though there were recommendations made at this same council meeting for a public swimming area that would have been in place the following summer the new public swimming pool wasn’t open for several more years.
Interested in sponsoring a Historic Artifact? Click here! [1] In Our Opinion. "A Place to Swim." Urbana Daily Citizen, 1963: s. Daily Citizen . "Funeral Services Scheduled Friday For Boy Who Drowned In Gravel Pit." Urbana Daily Citizen, 1963: 1. [2] In Our Opinion. "A Place to Swim." Urbana Daily Citizen, 1963: s. [3] Urbana Daily Citizen. "Advisory Panel Adopts Civil Right Agenda; Negroes Ask Council For Equal ." Urbana Daily Citizen, 1963: 1.
If I were principal for a day:
If I were principal for the day I would put a rule in place to make sure students could take mental health days that wouldn't count against them. Favorite school memory: My favorite school memory would have to be drama club. The productions are always so much fun and I get to do it with the best people. People who have been an inspiration to me include: My Grammy and Grampy. Because: they are the strongest and most caring people I have ever met. I love you guys! Lately I have been reading: All of Rupi Kaur's books My advice to parents: My advice to parents would be to be gentle. There is always a reason kids do things even if it isn't obvious at first. Always communicate and you may learn more than you would think. My biggest regret: My biggest regret would be not being more involved sooner. Next year I will be: Going to cosmetology school and taking as many art classes as I can at a nearby college. If you are interested in sponsoring a Senior of the Month, click here! |